Friday, January 15, 2010

If I take a picture of these nails into a nail salon...?

would they be able to imitate them? Would it cost any extra because I requested custom ones?

Here's the nails? I take a picture of these nails into a nail salon...?
Girl please, if they're professional sure they can. I've seen them do so many different designs from classic to eccentric styles I don't see why not, and that would also include the Rhine stone designs as well.

It may cost you $35-45 to get that done.If I take a picture of these nails into a nail salon...?
it would cost the same as a regular design, most nail salons charge 10 dollars or something for all ten fingers. i dont know about the rhinestones though, they might not be able to do that.

yeah dont worry, i gave the guy a picture off my cellphone of a puerto rican flag and he painted it on my nails perfectly =)
if they are really good they will.. and yes it might cost extra
they might be able to i used to work as a nail tech.

but uhm it depends wat store you go to some may have the supplies to do that and some might not
If you took them to a really really good nail place, the might be able to copy them. But those nails have beading on them, so they might not be able to do that. The best they could probably do is paint on the designs instead of the beading.
bet there wont do it

at leaset not exact
i doubt they could do all that
im sure they can.
The salon may be able to copy the look from them nails onto yours, but it would depend on their level of skill, and the range of products they have to work with. It shouldnt cost extra because they are custom designed, but it would be best to check beforehand, just in case. If a salon says that they will charge more, consider going to ask other salons if they will, as there will be varying prices.

Good luck!!!
those nails are freakinn ugly.

ew. why would you want that?!

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